Monday, April 28, 2014

Anniversary to us........

You were you 
I was me,
Together it created a We.

You had your life,
I had mine,
We gently joined hands 
And started living life 

You didn't try to change me
I didn't expect you to change 
And without any fuss 
We accepted everything that was strange.

Three years have  evaporated,
It was like yesterday when 
You said 
"Let's get married tomorrow
I will not be eliminated,
Not out of your life
Not out of your heart,
I want to make you my wife"

We knew each other 
For two months only
And I was the crazy one
That agreed to be
Your one n only.

God makes no mistake,
He puts those that fit together,
Brick with a brick
Stone with a stone
Together we have built 
Our loving home.

To thank you for last three years
Would be the wrong,
Instead I do what I always do,
I thank God for keeping us so strong.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Writings on the paper

As much as we would like to believe
that this life is what we imagine it to be,
but somehow all of our worries
and joys,
loves and
come from the writings on the paper

Whether it's a birth certificate that
we want to see,
our traveling papers,
our house deed,
a paycheck,
a test,
a diploma,
a love letter,
a doctors note,
a map,
a prayer,
a marriage certificate,
a divorce certificate,
an acceptance letter,
a thing that we cannot see,
but all our loves, excitements
worries, battles, hurts and joys
come from
writings on the paper..............