Thursday, December 19, 2013

Congrats my graduate

The day has come,
the time is now,
you have done it
you are a Graduate now,

All the sleepless nights
and stress of the tests,
anticipation of what score you got on that test,

the decisions you made thus far were good,
continue your road to success and you life will be full.

You worked hard for it,
and only you know the effort it took to get to it,

Congrats my graduate,
I'm so proud of you,
only you know the joy of today
to walk across that stage.

That stage.... when they called your name,
all you worried about is will I trip? or is this my moment of fame.

That stage is a powerful couple of seconds of your life,
let it be the motivation to want to do it again,
never stop learning,
never stop being a student,
never stop achieving your dreams and goals,

I shall see you walk across that stage again,
Congrats my graduate!
Let's do it again!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tomorrow isn't promised

Today is a pleasure which are given as gift
but it can all go away before you can make your eyelid lift,

Be careful what your last words with one may be
you may never get to see
what effect your words may have had 
those feelings they never shared.

Don't end your relationship or conversation
with someone on bad terms, because you
never know that may be the last time you see them...

Always cherish the opportunity of today, 
even if you have to go separate ways 
do it in an appropriate way.