Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hold on

Broken or stuck,
full of love or out of luck,
in love or out of lust,
You are strong
no matter where you are.

The road that seems to run
endless course,
It won't last forever,
So I need you to hold on.

I won't insult you by using
the words "Be strong"
because you have no other option
but to be bold,

But I will tell you this,
You are truly awesome,
And I know that
you will weather this storm.
Hold on, just a bit longer,
One day, Oh who am I kidding,
One day is too far away,

Hold on,
tomorrow may be a better day.

Monday, June 6, 2016

You are in charge of your own smile,
your own happiness,
your own soul.
Being independent isn't just a fancy word,
it's a full description of a human,
who holds their own.

To be broken and independent
isn't such an easy task,
sometimes it's ok to pick out
your own flowers
and put on a mask.

Mask of independence and strength,
mask of courage and hold it until the end.
Sometimes your own pick me up is all it takes,
as full six months approaches,
I will pick up as many flowers as my heart demands.

Strong and beautiful,
we shall keep the words,
as the world moves on,
ours grieves more.

Strong and beautiful,
keep it until the end,
six months have almost passed and....

The words can't explain the love that I have to send.

Yours truly,

Anida M.

* This is in memory of my most perfect little man, my son, Adam, whose life came to an end before it even began, but the love that we shared will never see it's end. It will live on in the song and in the words, in my heart where it will forever live on.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Because of you

       Because of you, I've realized that temporary pain doesn't matter,
and permanent pain will make you stronger if you fight for yourself.

 Because of you, I've realized that true strength is only shown when tested,
you never know how strong you are until you've reached the highest level of pain.

  Because of you, I've realized that love is much more powerful than we know,
that we don't have to be with the person to love them eternally and with all of our heart.

        Because of you, I want to reach for better places,
because you're in the best of them all.

        Because of you, I've learned to be gentle with myself,
If I'm not, then who will be?

         Because of you, I've learned to pay attention to the smallest details,
they may become your sweetest and cherished memories.

         Because of you, I've learned to look at this life in a different way,
cherishing the laughter, joy and live in the moment.

         Because of you, I've learned the new meaning of being positive,
It's easy to be positive when life is good, but being positive when you've lost, is a blessing.

  Because of you, I have truly learned the meaning of "you can't escape your destiny"
but you can respond to it with faith, love and courage.

         Because of you, I've learned the power of a prayer,
and His Love for me.

         Because of you, I will be a better and stronger person,
All because of little sweet  YOU!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sweetest Perfume

How I wish I could freeze the time,
the moment that I held you,
and you were all mine.

I would take the feeling of holding you,
mix it with the feeling of loving you,
add the date and time,
create the sweetest perfume
and call it " Angel of Mine"

So each time I miss you,
I could spray some in the air,
Remember what it felt like
that moment that I held you
  My Sweet Little Man,

You are the sweetest little man,
that I have ever met,
our nine months were beautiful,
you gave me courage and strength.

So little time we shared,
but it is the most amazing feeling
 I ever got from any man.

You may have been little,
and your tiny little feet never
touched the ground,
but to me you were the strongest
and most amazing human,
and you never even made a sound.

I love you my little man,
until the day I take my last breath,
Every moment with you, I will never forget.