Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Three dollars

  If someone gave you three dollars and told you 
that you can buy a piece of raspberry cake so that 
you can share it with someone you care about, 
would you buy it ? 

Would you buy it if you were told that the 
conversation over that cake may not be 
filled with dreams of love but rather filled with respect,
would you want to share it with them?

What if you could for those three dollars buy
a perfect cup of coffee for yourself,
on a perfect afternoon,
while the wind playfully tosses
the beautiful yellow leaves.

Would you buy it if that cup of coffee
was the perfect break that you need
from the craziness that is going on in
your life, not for long, just for thirty minutes,
would you buy it?

If you could for those three dollars
buy three sandwiches for three hungry strangers,
on a cold rainy day, undressed and soaking wet,
while they sit on the bench pretending to wait for
a bus that will never come.

Would you buy those three sandwiches
even if you knew that the size of those
three sandwiches is a bite for each one of those strangers,
and that it will create a comfort in their bellies just for a minute,
would you buy them?

What if you were told that the
raspberry cake would save one of the most important relationships
in your life,

The coffee would save your sanity,

and the three sandwiches would only get you a simple "Thank you"

What would you use your three dollars on?

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