To the one that realizes when to stop chasing nothings
and steps up and make her his queen,
To the one that takes his woman's hand and walks with her,
not trying to lead her, change her or mold her, simply accept her,
To the one that knows when to stop when he's wrong and simply
say I'm sorry and I'm wrong,
To the one that put his family's needs before his own wants,
To the one that respects his woman even when she's not around
to appreciate his respect towards her,
To the one that understands that his wife only wants the best for him
despite how he may feel about it, and listens to her,
To the one that is never too tired, too upset, or too lazy to hand her a glass
of water or stop by the store to get her her favorite fruits
To the one that randomly for no reason at all, buys her flowers, simply because he loves to see the smile on her face
To the one that never lets his ego get in a way of what they have,
To the one that doesn't mind learning how to dance, because she loves to dance,
To the one that is never too tired to go to work so he can be the provider of everything she dreams of,
To the one that doesn't think any less of her if she sheds a tear,
To the one that may not understand why she does what she does but fully supports her in every way,
To the one that never steps in the way of her dreams, even if they are random and strange to him,
To the one that believes in "US" when she's ready to give up,
To the one that knows that sometimes he is hard to deal with and appreciates her every second of dealing with him,
To the one that respects the people who are important to her;
To the one who may not understand all of the sacrifices she makes for their family but still tries his best to appreciate her,
To the one that never stops telling her that she's beautiful, even on her worst day,
To the one that doesn't see it as "her duties or his duties",
To the one that stands by her side, no matter what and who, because he understands that at the end of it all, it will be just the two of them,
To all the wonderful men who choose to stand by their women, through the good, the bad, the storms and thunders, that don't get enough credit for everything they do each day. Not only for what they do for their women, but because they will raise another generation of men just like them or raise their daughters to be the as wonderful as their wives. Not only married ones but the ones that are waiting to meet that special woman that deserves the best of them..........
To all of the good and honest men in this world.....
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