Up to age ten we love our parents and those close in our life,
~ These people are the ones that will be our favorite for the rest of our life and we will have fond memories of, most likely the people that we will try to mimic our whole life
From age thirteen to nineteen is most likely when we will have our first love,
and our first heartbreak, the person that we will most likely base all of our other relationships
Sometimes in our early twenties, we will have that relationship that may last longer, but if we don't grow together, this relationship will end with a heartache.... we think that this person is so perfect for us, we still have that fire in us, we fight for it, we fight with it..... we are sooo blind about it...
Late twenties.... you slowly start to open your eyes and close your heart, you see, you listen, you hear things you haven't heard before, you see things that you didn't see before. That person that you thought was so perfect has suddenly become someone you wouldn't even keep as a friend anymore. You look back and sometimes you laugh at yourself for being so blind and stupid. Then you become contempt with being alone rather than with someone who isn't worth it, You start to love that peace, those quiet mornings.
It is only then that you realize that all the people that you've met in your life have helped you become the person that you are today. The ones that loved you, the ones that hurt you, the ones that left you. And then you wonder if you are still blind or have you finally opened your eyes.
Wow! So true to the point and amazing words of choice, speechless.