You are in charge of your own smile,
your own happiness,
your own soul.
Being independent isn't just a fancy word,
it's a full description of a human,
who holds their own.
To be broken and independent
isn't such an easy task,
sometimes it's ok to pick out
your own flowers
and put on a mask.
Mask of independence and strength,
mask of courage and hold it until the end.
Sometimes your own pick me up is all it takes,
as full six months approaches,
I will pick up as many flowers as my heart demands.
Strong and beautiful,
we shall keep the words,
as the world moves on,
ours grieves more.
Strong and beautiful,
keep it until the end,
six months have almost passed and....
The words can't explain the love that I have to send.
Yours truly,
Anida M.
* This is in memory of my most perfect little man, my son, Adam, whose life came to an end before it even began, but the love that we shared will never see it's end. It will live on in the song and in the words, in my heart where it will forever live on.