It doesn't matter if it rains or shines,
if we use yours or mine,
if its cold or warm,
if it will be safe or will it bring harm,
if the storm brings its biggest fight,
or the heat reaches its biggest height,
Umbrella for two will always
do good for you.
It doesn't matter if you cover me
only temporarily,
And we survive one storm only,
umbrella for two will always
do good for you.
it doesn't matter if you walk
the streets of life
By yourself or you share
everything with someone else
Umbrella for two
will always do good for you.
Welcome to the greatest show on earth,
often you would say,
but you didn't tell me that it would all go away
Live in the moment my dear friend,
tomorrow the moment may come to an end.
Roses may bloom today,
but tomorrows rain may take them away,
Carpe diem mon cherri,
the beauty of the moment you will always carry.
It is the beautiful moments in life that we cherish,
and the ugly ones that we want to make perish.
Carpe diem mon cherri